India's largest passenger car manufacturer launched the new variant of its popular sedan model Maruti SX4 in India which meets latest BS IV emission norms. The newer version of Maruti SX4 is packed with newer generation BS IV compliant petrol engine. Maruti has also launched two variants of Maruti SX4 which is packed with the automatic transmission gearboxes. The newly launched variants ofMaruti SX4 are much more stylish than its earlier variants and feature honey-comb front grille that makes its front appearance more aggressive. Some other newly added features that make Maruti SX4 more luxurious and stylish are its dual tone beige dash board, 10-spoke stylish light weight alloy wheels, and wooden finish panels. The exterior of this car is almost the same as its older version but the interiors of Maruti SX4 have been revamped with exciting new features. All variants of Maruti SX4 are priced in the range of Rs 6.68 lacs to Rs 8.35 lacs (as ex-showroom prices in New Delhi).
Available in 16V DOHC VVT engine, Maruti SX4 is extremely powerful in delivering higher power out-put of 104.68 Ps and a top torque of 145Nm with a displacement of 1586cc.
Maruti SX4 has always been a safe bet and a preferred choice among the long list of cars in its segment. Presently the New Maruti SX4 is available in five speed manual transmission and 4 speed automatic transmission (ZXI, ZXI Leather). The EPS type of steering wheel and the chassis of Maruti SX4 is believed to be very powerful. Style and comfort have been kept as the two important pre-requisites of Maruti SX4 while designing it. Coupled with this muscular body and very appealing dynamic exteriors, Maruti SX4 seems a popular car among Indian buyers. Moreover European design trends gives Maruti SX4 a sporty look which gives it a debutante look.
Available in 16V DOHC VVT engine, Maruti SX4 is extremely powerful in delivering higher power out-put of 104.68 Ps and a top torque of 145Nm with a displacement of 1586cc.
Maruti SX4 has always been a safe bet and a preferred choice among the long list of cars in its segment. Presently the New Maruti SX4 is available in five speed manual transmission and 4 speed automatic transmission (ZXI, ZXI Leather). The EPS type of steering wheel and the chassis of Maruti SX4 is believed to be very powerful. Style and comfort have been kept as the two important pre-requisites of Maruti SX4 while designing it. Coupled with this muscular body and very appealing dynamic exteriors, Maruti SX4 seems a popular car among Indian buyers. Moreover European design trends gives Maruti SX4 a sporty look which gives it a debutante look.
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